“Is Convertible Note Seed Financing right for you?” – December 2014

“What must you consider when you are planning to buy a business?” – December 2014

“Will President Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration help the tech industry?” – November 2014

“I am buying or selling real estate. Should I hire a lawyer?” – October 2014

“My employees work outdoors. Am I required to provide any special training to them?” – October 2014

“Must my business train its employees to protect them from bullying?” – October 2014

“Does my business have to train its employees to avoid sexual harrassment?” – October 2014

“Does my business have to train its employees?” – October 2014

Who is an exempt outside sales person?” – September 2014

“What information needs to be on my employee’s pay stub?” -September 2014

“Are convertible debentures a good investment vehicle for my small company to gain capital; is it something that investors like?” -August 2014

“Being a nice person, I loaned $5,000 to a “friend” of mine, who has not repaid anything. Can I encourage his repayment by telling him I will publicly expose some of his personal and non-public information and report him to the Better Business Bureau unless he pays me?” -August 2014

“So I am starting my business. What are the most important legal actions I need to take to protect my business?” -August 2014

“Is a limited liability company (LLC) better for me and my business than a corporation?” -August 2014

“I want to do what I can to support veterans and those returning from military service in my business. How can I help?” -July 2014

“It’s hot in the Santa Ynez Valley at this time of year. Can I require workers to remain outside throughout the day?” -July 2014

“My parents are getting older, and I need to hire someone to care for them in their home. What do I need to know?” -July 2014

“I have seen news reports on changes to the minimum wage. What do I need to know, and why are the state and federal minimum wages different?” -July 2014

“I am a business owner and I recently hired an independent contractor (“IC”). We signed an agreement stating that the worker is an IC, not an employee. Will the agreement protect me from claims by the IC that he/she is actually an employee?” -July 2014

“I’m about to rent a space for my business and the landlord just gave me the lease agreement. Can you just look it over for me real quick?”  -May 2014

“Why is it that private groups can take over our streets and roadways for bike races and marathons and things like that?” -May 2014

“Should I incorporate my business?” -May 2014

“When is the time to deal with a business breakup?” -May 2014

“What are 4 crucial questions to ask your business attorney?” -April 2014

“What is the California Environmental Quality Act?” -April 2014

“Can I remove the Oak Trees on my property?” -April 2014

“Why is completing land use due diligence before purchasing real estate so important?” -April 2014