Business Law

21 12, 2022

Data Privacy Primer: With the New Year Comes New Changes to the California Data Privacy Landscape

2022-12-22T00:02:05+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Legal Alerts, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Data Privacy Primer: With the New Year Comes New Changes to the California Data Privacy Landscape

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) will take effect on January 1, 2023.  The CPRA imposes additional requirements on companies that do business in California, expanding upon its predecessor in privacy: the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). With the rules and regulations governing consumer data privacy soon subject to change, it is the responsibility of [...]

6 02, 2022

Litigation Insight: Attorney-Client Privilege: What it is and Why You Should Care

2022-02-06T02:04:27+00:00By |The Advisor|Comments Off on Litigation Insight: Attorney-Client Privilege: What it is and Why You Should Care

December 2021 Every fan of TV legal dramas has heard the phrase “attorney-client privilege.” Tune in to almost any episode of Law & Order and odds are good that you will hear someone asserting “attorney client privilege” or discussing the implications of “the privilege” for their investigation or case. It is easy to dismiss attorney-client [...]

16 11, 2020

California Consumer Privacy Law Update

2020-11-16T20:28:08+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on California Consumer Privacy Law Update

November 2020  This election season brought a number of new propositions to California ballots. Included on the ballot was Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”).  It  will strenghten California’s already robust consumer privacy protection law – the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) – but also adds  burdensome regulations for businesses across [...]

21 10, 2020

Employment Law Update

2020-11-06T17:51:07+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Employment, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Employment Law Update

October 2020 It’s the time of year that we try to update you on the new laws affecting employers in the State of California. The legislative session has completed and the Governor has now either signed or vetoed all the bills sent to his desk. Below is an attempted summary of key bills for employees [...]

30 09, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Santa Barbara County Moves to Red Tier

2020-11-06T17:54:43+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Legal Alerts, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on COVID-19 Update: Santa Barbara County Moves to Red Tier

Santa Barbara County moves into the red tier allowing more businesses to open and for some to include indoor operations, with modifications. The County of Santa Barbara’s Public Health Department announced that Santa Barbara now qualifies for red tier status after two consecutive weeks of meeting its rolling average. Gyms, movie theaters, personal care services [...]

27 08, 2020

Legal Alert: SEC Expands “Accredited Investor” Definition – Will Aid Small Businesses in Raising Capital

2020-11-06T17:55:35+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Legal Alert: SEC Expands “Accredited Investor” Definition – Will Aid Small Businesses in Raising Capital

Change Will Open the Private Securities Markets to More Participants August 2020 The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted amendments to the SEC rules which expand the definition of who will qualify as an “accredited investor.” Historically, individuals have been required to meet minimum requirements for either income ($200,000) or net worth ($1,000,000) before they can [...]

31 03, 2020

Legal Alert: Payroll Protection Loans for Small Business Available in New Stimulus Bill

2020-11-06T17:59:53+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Employment, Legal Alerts, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Legal Alert: Payroll Protection Loans for Small Business Available in New Stimulus Bill

March 2020 Following up on our recent client alerts about SARS-Cov-2 disaster relief for small businesses, one of the brightest spots for small businesses in the latest (third if you're keeping score) federal stimulus package, which was enacted March 27 as the 'CARES Act," are emergency Small Business Administration 7(a) loans. These "payroll protection [...]

10 03, 2020

Coronavirus and the Workplace

2020-11-06T18:25:09+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Employment, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Coronavirus and the Workplace

March 2020  With the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus around the globe, even companies outside of the impacted areas have been forced to prepare for the worst. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed hundreds of cases across the United States, including here in California. Public health officials have suggested [...]

20 02, 2020

Independent Contractors and You: How California’s Changes to Employment Law Impacts Your Business

2020-11-06T18:26:37+00:00By |Employment, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Independent Contractors and You: How California’s Changes to Employment Law Impacts Your Business

February 2020   On September 18, 2019 Governor Newsom signed AB-5, codifying the now-infamous Dynamex decision as law. This new law radically changes the legal test for who is an employee (rather than an independent contractor) under California law. While the law has gotten a lot of press in the context of the so-called “gig” [...]

8 01, 2020

Starting January 2020, You May Need New Documents for Your Business

2020-11-06T18:29:11+00:00By |News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Starting January 2020, You May Need New Documents for Your Business

November 2019 Nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements can be an essential part of your business. These agreements protect the confidentiality of the trade secrets and important data for your company. They are not just for inventors or companies with secret recipes, though. They are necessary for any business that might be disclosing information that is commercially [...]

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