The Advisor

11 01, 2019

Avoiding Personal Liability and Limiting Taxes: Business Entities after the 2017 Tax Act

2020-05-13T05:04:58+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Estate and Tax Planning, The Advisor|Comments Off on Avoiding Personal Liability and Limiting Taxes: Business Entities after the 2017 Tax Act

Business activities, no matter how small, come with risk as well as tax liabilities, both of which can be reduced by operating through a legal entity --- a limited liability company or corporation. The Federal corporate tax rate for C Corporations[1] has plunged, down to 21%; a 20% qualified business income deduction applies to limited [...]

10 12, 2018

A Business Owner’s Guide to Responding to Third Party Document Subpoenas

2020-05-13T05:03:42+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Civil Litigation and Trials, The Advisor|Comments Off on A Business Owner’s Guide to Responding to Third Party Document Subpoenas

Nobody wants to be involved in litigation.  If you are reading this, chances are you have taken an active role in protecting your business from needless lawsuits by scrupulously following the law, treating your employees as the valuable assets they are, and working with talented tax and legal professionals to ensure you are thoroughly protected [...]

12 09, 2018

Alternative Commercial Real Estate Financing

2020-05-13T05:02:43+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Land Use and Real Estate, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Alternative Commercial Real Estate Financing

Frustrated by disapproval of a conventional bank loan?  Annoyed by the lack of creative financing options for your commercial real estate investments?  Real estate developers and investors should consider the benefits gained from alternate real estate financing options before pursing their next development. While traditional mortgages remain the most common financing option for commercial real [...]

9 08, 2018

Two California Residential Rental Property Disclosure Laws You May Have Missed

2020-05-13T05:20:39+00:00By |Land Use and Real Estate, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Two California Residential Rental Property Disclosure Laws You May Have Missed

There are dozens of laws requiring California landlords and property managers to give residential tenants written warnings about hazards and potential hazards associated with the housing environment. In the last twelve months legislation for two more of these laws has taken effect. New Flood Hazard Area Disclosure Effective July 1, 2018, California Government Code section [...]

17 07, 2018

The Benefits of Holding Title to Your Real Estate Investment In a LLC

2020-05-13T05:21:35+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Land Use and Real Estate, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on The Benefits of Holding Title to Your Real Estate Investment In a LLC

Owning residential or commercial property you rent to others comes with an inherent risk of liability. While maintaining adequate insurance can protect landlords against many conceivable risks, it cannot completely insulate the landlord from liability.  All insurance policies have limits, exceptions and carve-outs.  In some cases injuries to tenants or guests, for example, could result [...]

13 06, 2018

Have You Updated Your Privacy Policies? How the European Union’s GDP Regulation is Impacting U.S. Businesses

2020-05-13T05:22:27+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Have You Updated Your Privacy Policies? How the European Union’s GDP Regulation is Impacting U.S. Businesses

Over the past several weeks, you have probably been receiving e-mail from various online service providers announcing updates to their privacy policies. While these e-mails often claim that they are being done because the organization values your privacy, there is actually a deeper root.  On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation [...]

10 05, 2018

Employee or Independent Contractor? A New Test

2020-05-14T02:51:10+00:00By |Employment, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Employee or Independent Contractor? A New Test

In Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, the California Supreme Court adopted a new standard to determine whether a worker is properly classified as an employee or an independent contractor. The simplified standard, known as the ABC test, looks at three required factors to determine a valid independent contractor who would not be subject to one of California’s wage orders and other employer obligations: [...]

1 05, 2018

Business Planning After the Flood-Legal and Financial Implications

2020-05-14T02:01:30+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Business Planning After the Flood-Legal and Financial Implications

Three months after the devastating Thomas Fire and Montecito mudslides, we continue to see questions regarding disaster recovery, especially from business owners.  Last month’s Advisor covered insurance issues; this month, I want to focus on other strategies for weathering the aftermath of what has been a tough six months for our community.  While insurance is [...]

13 03, 2018

Protect Your Business With Good Records Management

2020-05-13T05:25:29+00:00By |News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Protect Your Business With Good Records Management

At some point, the records management policies and practices of all businesses are tested.  Thus, it is critical that businesses have a comprehensive records management policy and that managers and staff have a complete understanding of such policies and procedures.  Not surprisingly, California law requires employers to keep certain records for specific amounts of time.  [...]

13 02, 2018

Preparing for the Future: Business Interruption Insurance

2020-05-13T05:26:22+00:00By |News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Preparing for the Future: Business Interruption Insurance

The Thomas Fire and ensuing mudslides devastated our community and caught many businesses by surprise. In addition to the tremendous damage and loss of life they wrought upon us, these disasters have demonstrated the importance of having a good business insurance policy.  Standard business interruption insurance policies typically cover profits, fixed costs, temporary relocation, reimbursement [...]

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