California laws

21 12, 2022

Data Privacy Primer: With the New Year Comes New Changes to the California Data Privacy Landscape

2022-12-22T00:02:05+00:00By |Business, Corporate and Venture, Legal Alerts, News, The Advisor|Comments Off on Data Privacy Primer: With the New Year Comes New Changes to the California Data Privacy Landscape

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) will take effect on January 1, 2023.  The CPRA imposes additional requirements on companies that do business in California, expanding upon its predecessor in privacy: the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). With the rules and regulations governing consumer data privacy soon subject to change, it is the responsibility of [...]

19 10, 2022

Avoiding Probate in California

2024-09-18T00:28:51+00:00By |Civil Litigation and Trials, Estate and Tax Planning, The Advisor|Comments Off on Avoiding Probate in California

When someone passes away in California, their assets and debts are administered in accordance with any estate plan adopted by them during their life and, as applicable, California law. A decedent’s estate can either be administered under a Trust, or if a decedent didn’t leave a Trust, through the process known as Probate.  When an [...]

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